Ballymacpeake Mass Rock
Fr O'Donnell PP. Fr McLaughlin and altar servers at the Mass
Rock 2003 AD

Photo above Courtesy of WJ McCann


Mass - Sunday 17th August 2003 AD
The Ballymacpeake Mass Rock
restoration Project.

Video of Mass 2000 AD

'How many and varied the places
where Mass has
been offered - in stately medieval and in splendid modern cathedrals; in early
monastic and in modern churches; at Mass rocks in the glens and forests by
"hunted priests" and in poor thatch-covered chapels for a people poor in worldly
goods but rich in the things of the spirit; in "wake-houses" or
"station-houses", or at great open-air hostings of the faithful - on the top of Croagh
Patrick and at Lough
Derg. Small matter where the Mass was offered. For the Irish, it was always
the Mass that mattered'.
Pope John Paul
II, Dublin, 29th September 1979.
The Story.
The existence of a Mass Rock in Neil Birt's garden has always been part of local
legend in Ballymacpeake. With this in mind a number of locals met one summer's
night and decided on a restoration Project. A new Millennium was about to dawn
and many believed that the Mass Rock would be a fitting memorial to the
sufferings of the The
Penal Laws as well as a local
feature. A Committee was thus formed and a plan of action drawn up.
The first
task was to contact the local owner of the land on which the stone lay. He was
immediately enthusiastic and has since personally taken on the building work
associated with this memorial. The next task was to remove a large Beech tree
which had grown over the stone for many years and was at this stage embedded in
it's roots. The tree bounded a small country road and with the aid of a
professional chainsaw operator and a heavy tractor it was felled one wet and
windy day into an adjoining field. An excavator then pulled the tree root out
leaving the stone completely intact. The landowner agreed to locate the stone in
its existing postion and thus a foundation was dug out to accommodate a
memorial. A few days after, a local JCB arrived and using ropes the stone was
slung into postion on a newly built plinth.
An engraved memorial tablet has
now been put in place. Paving stones have been put on the floor of
the memorial. A small Penal Cross found some years back in the
vicinity of the rock has now
been traced after Peter Hughes (RIP) suggested an appeal in The
Irish News.
Local people have contacted the Committee about memories of the Altar Stone, one
of these a man in his nineties recalls his teacher, Master Toner taking him and
his class from Ballymacpeake school to the site of the stone. .
The Committee
would be grateful for any information or stories about this stone. If anybody
has anything of interest to offer then please email me.

Mass Rock Inscription stone arrives. (22nd April 2000)
The Mass Rock Inscription stone was put
in place by John Joe
McNally and Donal McAtamney. The text was inscribed by Jim Gaul,
monumental sculptor, Portglenone, Co Antrim. The day was fine and
sunny after a particularly inclement week of typical Irish spring

Donal and John Joe survey the results of a
good day's work. A small holy water font has also been placed next to the Mass

During the existence of the Penal laws, the notion of building such a thing as a
chapel for Catholic worship, would have consigned those who could dream of, much
less attempt such a project, either to transportation or
death. Within my own memory there was nothing in existence for the Catholics for
the worship of God except the mere altar, covered with a little open roof to
protect the priests from the rain, which it was incapable of doing. The altar
was about two feet in depth, and the open shed which covered not more than
three, so that when the wind rain or snow blew from a particular direction the
officiating clergyman had nothing to cover him or protect him from the elements.
In my early life such 'altars' were the only substitutes for chapels in my
native parish, which is one of the largest in the diocese. There was always a
plot of green sward allowed to be annexed to the altar, on which the
congregation could kneel; and as these plots and little altars were always on
the roadside, they presented themselves very strange and egnimatical to such as
did not understand their meaning, for the following reason. During the winter
months and wet weather in general, those of both sexes who attended worship were
obliged to bring with them small trusses of either hay or straw on which to
kneel ... Indeed, I must say that during the winter months the worship of God
was in one sense a very trying ceremony. These small trusses were always left on
the place of worship, lying within a foot of each other, and as I said presented
an unintelligible sight to any person ignorant of the custom. The places of
Roman Catholic worship, therefore, were very properly called altars, as it would
have been impossible to apply any other term to them.
Extract from the autobiography of William Carelton,
Ireland, (1794 - 1869)

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